plexus.dashboard.api.models.score module

Score Model - Python representation of the GraphQL Score type.

Represents a scoring method within a scorecard section, tracking: - Configuration and metadata - AI model details - Performance metrics - Version history

class plexus.dashboard.api.models.score.Score(id: str, name: str, key: str, externalId: str, type: str, order: int, sectionId: str, accuracy: float | None = None, version: str | None = None, aiProvider: str | None = None, aiModel: str | None = None, isFineTuned: bool | None = None, configuration: Dict | None = None, distribution: Dict | None = None, versionHistory: Dict | None = None, client: plexus.dashboard.api.client._BaseAPIClient | None = None)

Bases: BaseModel

__init__(id: str, name: str, key: str, externalId: str, type: str, order: int, sectionId: str, accuracy: float | None = None, version: str | None = None, aiProvider: str | None = None, aiModel: str | None = None, isFineTuned: bool | None = None, configuration: Dict | None = None, distribution: Dict | None = None, versionHistory: Dict | None = None, client: _BaseAPIClient | None = None)
accuracy: float | None = None
aiModel: str | None = None
aiProvider: str | None = None
configuration: Dict | None = None
distribution: Dict | None = None
externalId: str
classmethod fields() str

Return the GraphQL fields to query for this model

classmethod from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any], client: _BaseAPIClient) Score

Create an instance from a dictionary of data

classmethod get_by_external_id(external_id: str, scorecard_id: str, client: _BaseAPIClient) Score | None

Get a score by its external ID

classmethod get_by_id(id: str, client: _BaseAPIClient) Score
classmethod get_by_key(key: str, scorecard_id: str, client: _BaseAPIClient) Score | None

Get a score by its key

classmethod get_by_name(name: str, scorecard_id: str, client: _BaseAPIClient) Score | None

Get a score by its name

isFineTuned: bool | None = None
key: str
classmethod list_by_section_id(section_id: str, client: _BaseAPIClient, next_token: str | None = None, limit: int = 100) Dict[str, Any]

Get all scores for a section with pagination support

Dict containing:
  • items: List of Score objects

  • nextToken: Token for next page if more results exist

name: str
order: int
sectionId: str
type: str
version: str | None = None
versionHistory: Dict | None = None